How to Solve Computer Technology Problems such as Internet connection problems or computer system crashes. These issues can happen whenever you want to access the Internet using your laptop or desktop computer. This problem can also occur when you try to install new programs or other software applications, or even when you try to print a document on your network printer. Sometimes these difficulties can be caused by some hardware issue and sometimes they are due to a virus infection. The main purpose of this video is to give information about how to fix computer technology challenges. Let’s see below ways to solve computer technology challenges.
Resetting the router with a new IP address
If there is a problem concerning the internet connection then one way to fix it is to reset your modem/router. A reset will change all the settings from the default ones to the factory ones. You can do that easily by removing the ethernet cable from the back of your modem/router for a few seconds and plugging it again after reconnecting all cables properly (power supply, modem/router, etc.).

Recover files
There can be various reasons why you might lose files. For instance, you might remove a file by accidentally clicking its icon instead of right-clicking it. Another reason could be that an external hard drive has crashed. Other causes may include viruses, power surges, power outages or theft. Whatever the case may be, we’ll show you how to recover lost files in two easy steps!
Fix slow computers
Slow computers can start wearing down any user’s patience. But there are many things you can do to help speed up your computer and get more work done; without slowing things down yourself! We will discuss different solutions here including speeding up boot times, optimizing Windows 7, uncluttering open windows, fixing auto startup items, customizing Task Manager, controlling the program’s running processes and preventing application conflicts visit We will also cover computer security and privacy about computer technology.
Clean the registry & repair errors
When troubleshooting errors and having trouble with your PC, Windows will often use parts of the registry to store important data. As time goes on over weeks, months, years, and decades, the registry can become corrupted. It’s very common because people tend not to regularly backup their registries. Corrupted registries can cause all kinds of errors ranging from minor annoyances to major headaches. Thus, we will learn how to clean our registry to eliminate common errors like “The Microsoft Excel cannot open a workbook named ‘filename.”
Check your anti-virus / antispyware
Spying malware is everywhere and there are hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of types. Antivirus companies have taken notice of this threat because consumers are becoming more alert regarding malicious software. In addition, antivirus software providers have increased the effectiveness of their product lineups through constant updates, upgrades and improvements. To protect against spyware, the most obvious method is to update your anti-spyware program. In addition, you should make sure that your firewall is turned ON. Also, keep in mind to turn off pop-up alerts as those can be annoying and distracting when you’re working.

Repair common system problems
Many issues occur when systems are first set up and the hardware isn’t fully optimized. This could mean that programs aren’t installed correctly or that they don’t exist completely. These issues should be fixed early rather than later because if left unattended much damage could be caused. With time, some programs can grow big enough and complex enough that they begin to interfere with other programs or even the operating system itself. That being said, we provide tips on repairing several common problems encountered during setup. In conclusion, after reading this article you will know how to fix the most common Windows 7 problems so that you can experience less frustration throughout your day. You may not need to know every single tip listed above because some of th