Digital Marketing is a major part of any business today because of its wide range of benefits. Some of these include branding, awareness, customer retention and much more. The objective of any Digital Marketing strategy is to promote and sell products and services via a variety of digital platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and even mobile apps. Let’s see below things you should know about digital marketing.
Social Media:
Social media can be used for promoting your company’s brand or product through the Internet. It allows companies to connect with customers directly and create strong relationships. These days, it is very important to market your business on social networking sites like; Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ etc. Companies may use different types of social media that best suit their needs. For example, if they are looking to target local audiences then a location-based service (LBS) such as FourSquare can be effective. On the other hand, if they want to target potential customers in India but don’t have an online presence, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are the most popular options.

Search Engine Optimization/SEO:
Search engine optimization is free and gives your website a high ranking. This will help when people search for keywords related to your business. SEO increases traffic to your site by helping websites rank higher in search engines including Google, Yahoo & Bing. You can learn how to optimize your website at a low cost and without getting technical skills at Here you can read articles on ‘how to optimize your website for better rankings’, ‘what is organic traffic?’ etc. There are many ways you can get your site ranked well: submit your URL to directory submission sites, link building, content writing, article sharing and blog commenting.

Pay Per Click Advertising(PPC):
In PPC, advertisers pay only when individuals click on certain links. With this method, one can control the number of times ads appear. Also known as Adwords, PPC advertising is a highly profitable way to reach out to specific groups of targeted audiences. The most common form of PPC campaign has two parts i.e. keyword research and ad group creation. A careful study of competition plays a vital role before starting on PPC. While creating the budget, it must be kept in mind that not all terms bring positive results, so select carefully. Most businesses need both short term and long term strategies. One should keep the long term vision in mind while developing a budget plan. One must also consider costs associated with running the advertisements to make sure one does not spend money frivolously. Once the advertisement is set up, regular checking is necessary to ensure that nothing goes wrong. If everything runs smoothly, there is no reason why not to enjoy the rewards once again.
Mobile Applications:
Nowadays, smartphones and tablet computers have become an integral part of our lives. People now depend on them in almost every aspect of life. They use them for banking, shopping, communication, payments and so on. Apps are developed using various programming languages to offer easy solutions to users for a variety of purposes. Many application development companies specialize in a particular area of technology. That makes their work easier. By integrating app development into your strategic business plans, you will find them useful for boosting conversions, user engagement and customer loyalty.

In conclusion, marketing cannot be done using just any single channel. Instead, try combining multiple channels by adopting the multi-channel Marketing Mix Model. Your multi-channel approach will increase your chances of reaching out to consumers effectively.